A holistic way to improving your health.
Finding your light
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Where there is light
The power of Purple
Purple Power
Adding light to life
The power of light.
What is Monochromatic Light?
Monochromatic light literally means light of one colour Light is a term for the visible and near visible portions of electromagnetic radiation.
Since it only emits one colour, monochromatic light has a single wavelength. Wavelengths are seen as a rainbow of colors when light is passed through a spectrum. Therefore, monochromatic light would emit just one of these colors.
What is Infrared light?
Infrared light falls just outside the visible spectrum, beyond the edge of what we can see.
Light does not stop at just the visible and infrared. Other types of light include gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet, microwave, and radio. Everything in this spectrum travels at the ultimate speed limit of the Universe which is, of course, the speed of light.
Our eyes detect differences in the wavelength of visible light as differences in colour. Seeing colour is your brain's way of converting the different wavelengths of light that your eyes see into something that you can quickly understand. Red light has a longer wavelength than "colder colurs" such as green and blue. The wavelength of infrared light is longer than red light. These longer wavelengths carry less energy than red light and do not activate the photoreceptors in our eyes - this is why we cannot see them.

What is light therapy?
As the understanding of light and its positive effects on the body has increased, the development of treatment techniques and light devices have become important tools in many healing practices. With the discovery that our cells continuously produce light, or photons, and that these photons carry information throughout the body's energy field, healing beings of light with light just makes sense.
Medicine also capitalizes on the benefits of healing with light and colour energies. A colour may be chosen by frequency for physical healing or based on emotions and moods for mental healing. Practitioners determine which colour frequencies are needed based on presenting symptoms.
To treat those symptoms, or the cause of the symptoms, clients are exposed to one or more healing colours in sequence. Depending on the type of therapy being used, a person may require multiple lights to be used.
Light therapy is used for treating conditions in both humans and animals.
Purple Power
All living matters are all built with the ability to heal naturally. Pure light therapy will assist your body in this process. Over the past while, purple light has become widespread for light healing. The purple spectrum is known to be strengthening, awakening, suppresses appetite and lessens anxieties.
We offer two purple in the 460NM 2000mcd; and 1000mcd.